Jubiläumskonferenz CIC Güstrow am 28.10.2024
25 Jahre CIC Mecklenburg-Vorpommern “Ernst Lehnhardt” und 30 Jahre Lehnhardt-Stiftung: die aktivste Zeitzeugin, Dr.Dr.h.c. Monika Lehnhardt-Goriany hat vieles zu berichten.
Mit einer prägnanten Einführung durch K. Mattstaedt, Leiterin des CIC.
Cornelia Much´s besonderer Geburtstag
Cornelia bereitete ein wunderbares Geburtstagsfest zu ihrem 70. Geburtstag am 21.12.2021
Nach einem Apero bei ihr zu Hause in Badenweiler ging es zur Stiftskirche des Klosters St.Trudbert/Münstertal, wo die Kirchenmusikerin und Bezirkskantorin der Erzdiezöse Freiburg ein Orgelkonzert für unsere Gruppe gab.
Das letzte Stück ""Stille Nacht" hat Michael mit seinem Mobile aufgenommen. Starte Aufnahme unten
Nachher gab es ein köstliches Geburtstagsdinner.
Therapiemodell Deutschland – Online Vorträge Monika Lehnhardt-Goriany / Yvonne Seebens
This is a live recording (not yet edited) of presentations on the Development and Organisation of Rehabilitation in Germany held on March 19, 2021 by Monika Lehnhardt-Goriany and Yvonne Seebens
upon invitation as sole European Lecturers at the international scientific and practical online seminar “Cochlear Implantation in Kazakhstan,” dedicated to the International Day of Cochlear Implantation
organized by the Republican State Enterprise “The Scientific and Practical Center for Social Rehabilitation Development” of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the RK together with “Aksai” University Clinic of KazNMU named after Asfendiyarov.
The postproduction and translations will follow in due time.
Präsentation Dr.Monika Lehnhardt-Goriany (russisch)
Präsentation Yvonne Seebens (deutsch/russisch)
Aidai, Muhammad, Sezim, Sultan, Asir, Muslim, Ailin, Ademi, Alinur und Alman – zehn weitere Kinder aus Kyrgyzstan haben noch knapp vor Weihnachten und Corona zum Trotz ihr Cochlear Implantat bekommen. Prof. Dr. Tino Just, Dr. Iryna Driamina vom KMG Klinikum in Güstrow und ich sind am 12.12. 2020 für eine Woche nach Bishkek gereist, wo am „National Center of Maternity and Childhood Care“ (das vom Gesundheitsministerium der Kirgisischen Republik für das CI Programm nominiert wurde) alle zehn Operationen erfolgreich durchgeführt wurden.
Unsere Reise von Berlin bzw. Zürich über Istanbul nach Bishkek und retour war infolge der zahlreichen Vorschriften und Erfordernissen beschwerlich (wie z.B. mehrfache PCR Tests, Maskenpflicht sowohl auf den Flughäfen als auch auf den doch relativ langen Flügen, Verbot einen Trolley ins Flugzeug mitzunehmen, was mich am Flughafen in Zürich zum Umpacken im wahrsten Sinn des Wortes auf den Boden zwang. Schweres Gepäck, da Prof. Just eine moderne Bohrmaschine mit allem Zubehör als Geschenk mitbrachte und ich so viele Dinge, die bei uns im Überfluss und in Kyrgyzstan Mangelware sind). Doch wir sind uns einig: das Risiko hat sich gelohnt!
Published: Prevalence of cochlear implants in Europe: trend between 2010 and 2016
This article by Leo de Raeve coauthored Sue Archbold, Monika Lehnhardt-Goriany, Tricia Kemp was published now:
Please read the abstract in the following. For subscribers of my Blog I have available a free copy upon request in the Reply window.
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Objective: To collect figures on the numbers of children and adults receiving cochlear implants across Europe, compare the figures for 2016 with those for 2010, and identify any trends.
Materials and methods: In 2018 EURO-CIU invited their 23 member countries to conduct a survey collecting data on the number of CI recipients in 2016 and 2017. Data were received from 15 countries, representing more than 100 000 CI recipients in Europe.
Results: For paediatric CI, there was an increase in nearly all European countries (except Denmark, the UK and Luxembourg) between 2010 and 2016. We found an annual figure of one CI per 1000 newborns common in most countries where reimbursement of paediatric CI’s is available. Conversely the adult data reveals no increase between 2010 and 2016 and the data is less homogeneous than the paediatric data with huge differences across countries.
Conclusion: There is little agreement on data on numbers of CI across Europe, which makes it difficult to plan public health policy, funding or services. In all European countries included in this study (except Germany) there needs to be work on raising more awareness of adult hearing loss and adult cochlear implantation to improve access.
Summary Second Day of EURO-CIU Conference in Wroclav, Poland
Second day brought excellent presentations and panel discussion as well. See the summary and closing remarks:
Closing remarks
Summary First Day of EURO-CIU Conference in Wroclav, Poland
It was a very interesting day, see here a summary and underneath the Program
Thursday, 25 April 2019 (medical topics) – 1st day
Friday, 26 April 2019 (rehabilitation, social aspects) – 2nd day
Meeting of delegates: members of EURO-CIU, European Association of Cochlear Implant Users
EURO-CIU 2019 – preparing scientific program
Today I was in Wroclaw and met with representatives of the Polish CI Association „Slyszec bez granic“ (Hearing without borders) in order to prepare the scientific programme for the XII Symposium of the EURO-CIU which will take place in Wroclaw April 25 – 27, 2019.
On this occasion we made a video in which I talk about the history and the role of EURO-CIU, the importance of the symposium and invite potential spectators to join us.
The conference is going to be a very interesting event, top experts will present and the EURO-CIU family will meet and share experience.
Dear friends, looking forward to seeing you in Wroclav, Poland on April 25 – 26, 2019:
- Program: http://eurociu.eu/wroclaw-2019
- Main page Symposium: https://euro-ciu2019.pl/
PORA! Educational webinars: the plan for 2019
Those who have been following the work of the Lehnhardt Foundation know that education and information support is at the heart of what we do. PORA! is a series of webinars for parents and families of children who are hard of hearing or deaf – and experts working to support these children’s development. For more than 10 years PORA! has been a source of contemporary knowledge and an interaction forum for families and specialists hailing from mainly countries of Eastern Europe. Among our speakers we have had opinion leaders from a multitude of countries and backgrounds: surgeons, acousticians and engineers, speech-language pathologists and teachers of the deaf.
In 2019 PORA! will continue its tradition of delivering on the most important subjects within management of hearing loss and improvement of outcomes for children with cochlear implants and other hearing devices. In collaboration with an international panel chaired by our long-term collaborator and friend Dr. Bodo Bertram we have compiled a preliminary program.
Please find it embedded below – the slides are trilingual (English, Russian, German) and are best viewed if expanded full-screen.
To follow the PORA! program over the months, please subscribe to the PORA! blog.
Summary of the year 2018
Life and work have kept us exceptionally busy – so busy that it was only this year that we realized we have been breaking with this tradition for far too long. Here it comes, then, – our review of the previous year. We have lot to share, a lot to be thankful for and, unfortunately, a few losses to grieve. The cumulative number of protegees of the Lehnhardt Foundation reached 160 this year. Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Germany and Italy were only some of the countries we visited for personal and work travel. We hope that in the process of doing so we have been able to lay the groundwork of changes for the better that are needed by deaf people in certain countries – and globally.
Welcome to our summary of the year 2018!
Yours truly,
Dr. Dr. h. c. Monika Lehnhardt
Anniversary George Tavardkiladze / Conference Moscow
Today I had the chance to honour George in an interview during the conference.
Also see a video giving an impression of this splendid event in Moscow.
25th Anniversary Cochlear Implant Russia
George Tavardkilaze is opening the Anniversary Conference
Presentation “PORA 2016” at conference Cernobbio
Watch my presentation referring to the new PORA Webseminars cicle in 2016
PORA Webseminars 2016 – Presentation Monika Lehnhardt from Lehnhardt Akademie on Vimeo.
Обзор 2013 года
Обзор 2013-го на английском языке
Обзор 2013-го на немецком языке
Наш традиционный обзор года выходит в этот раз с небольшим опозданием – причину тому вы найдете в конце этого письма.
Looking back at 2013
HAPPY NEW YEAR Monika & Michael |
Jahresrückblick 2013 in Deutsch
Our retrospect of the year comes with a small delay this time – the reason for that you will find at the end of this letter.
Musical events shaped 2013.
Jahresrückblick 2013
Looking back to 2013 in English
Unser Jahresrückblick kommt diesmal mit einer kleinen Verspätung – der Grund dafür findet sich am Ende dieses Briefes.
Musikalische Erlebnisse prägten das Jahr 2013.
Presentation “Time for Paradigm Change in Clinical Care”
The presentation “Time for Paradigm Change in Clinical Care” was given by me in the ESPCI Conference in Istanbul in May 2013, in the EFAS Conference in Budapest in June 2013 and in the PORA Live Online seminar for Russian-speaking professionals and Russian speaking parents on June 9th 2013.
Click here to see the slides in English, click here to see the slides in Russian, click on this link to find the full text in English, and use this link to find the full text in Russian.
Upgrade, for sure, but when?
Rachel Chaikof published a very interesting article about the release of new speech processors of all Cochlear Implant manufacturers in the very near future in her weblog “Cochlear Implant Online” and discusses arguments why to wait or not to wait.
Looking back to 2012 …
HAPPY NEW YEAR ! Monika & Michael |
The year 2012 has meant it well with us. The victory in my fight against the malicious disease in 2011 is sustained. This lucky circumstance gave us free space to plan our private and our professional life without any serious limitations and to implement our ideas and concepts.
The brilliant start was again, by now already a tradition for us, the New Year’s Concert of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra in the famous Musikvereinssaal in Vienna.